The Research and Development Division contributes to the increase in quality of teaching by research based analysis of teaching sequences, thus analyzing teaching situations and problems against a theoretical backdrop that is creative and at the same time oriented towards problem-solving.

The Department of Research and Development supports the research and development projects of members of staff at KPH. It provides individual advice and helps to strengthen the networking of researchers in their teams, of competence centers and cooperative projects. It ensures quality control through research applications, feedback procedures and specific staff development programmes. The cooperation with students and a better coupling of research, teaching and teaching practice are key concerns.

The competence centers at the KPH Vienna/Lower Austria are regarded as opportunities for academic and interdisciplinary discourse and networking, through which new research projects are generated. The key concerns of these centers are subject areas which are of wider importance in initial teacher education, in continuous teacher education and in advanced teacher training.

The main areas include the following:

  • Educational and School areas
  • Digital Media and Education
  • Inclusion and Participation in Education
  • Professionalisation of Teachers, Development of School Quality and Effective School Management
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Pedagogy of Human Rights and Recognition
  • Interreligious and Intercultural Realities in Educational Organisations
  • Research in Teaching Methodology in various School Subjects, particularly Languages, STEM and Religious Education

The Institute of Research & Development provides for individual consultation and networking in interdisciplinary research teams, centres of excellence and (international) projects.
Moreover, four centers of excellence pool the college’s expertise and serve as subject-specific and interdisciplinary hubs of exchange and dialogue for innovative projects. Their activities reflect the college’s interdisciplinary research interests, encompassing all areas of teacher education. 

  • Elementary and Primary Pedagogy
  • Intercultural, Interfaith and Interdenominational Learning
  • Human Rights Pedagogy



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