The Council of the University College of Teacher Education is responsible for the details of the curricula, the appointment of members of the rectorate and the teaching personnel, the educational and research targets, organisational matters and allocation of resources as well as the annual budget of the university college. It consists of 23 members representing all the churches of this unique economically run institution:


Mag. Andrea Pinz

Deputy Chairperson
OKR Prof. Mag. Karl Schiefermair


  • Chorepiskopos Dr. Emanuel Aydin
  • Bischofsvikar Dr. Nicolae Dura
  • Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Friesl, MBA
  • Mag. Reinhard Hallwirth
  • Synodalanwalt Vikar Dr. Albert Haunschmidt
  • Bildungsdirektor Mag. Johann Heuras (BD für NÖ)
  • Bildungsdirektor Mag. Heinrich Himmer (BD für Wien)
  • P. Andreas Isakhanian
  • Metropolit Dr. Arsenios Kardamakis
  • Dr. Alina Kissner-Schmidt
  • MMMag. Dr. Benedikt Michal
  • Generalvikar Dr. Nikolaus Krasa
  • Susanna Michalek,  BEd 
  • Priv. Doz. Dr. Mihailo Popovic
  • MMMag. Gertrud Salzmann
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Henning Schluß
  • Mag. Brigitta Schnaubelt
  • Mag. Stefan Stöger LL. M.
  • Rektor Dr. Christoph Berger (consultative)
  • Studierendenvertretung der KPH Wien/Krems (consultative)
  • Lehrendenvertretung der KPH Wien/Krems (consultative)