Current occupation
Faculty member of the Private University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Austria (Department of Policy Development and Quality Management in Higher Education)
Research specialisations
teacher training, teaching and learning in school settings ; qualitative research methods
Professional education
2017 Venia docendi for the subject "School Pedagogics with particular reference to scientific
theory formation" (University of Innsbruck)
2004 PhD in Philosophy & Education (University of Vienna)
1997 Master in Philosophy (University of Vienna)
1995 Teaching certification: Education for children with limited motor skills
1994 Teaching certification: Primary school
1989 Teaching certification: Education for children with limited speech or communicative skills
1988 Teaching certification: Education for children with limited learning skills
1988 Diploma for Montessori-Education
1987 Diploma for Conductive Education Petö/Keil (Vienna)
Academic career
2011-2016 Lecturer at the University of Vienna
2004-2013 Lecturer at the Private University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems
2008-2011 Lecturer at the Public University College of Teacher Education Vienna
1994-2007 Teacher for children with limited speech or communicative skills (Vienna)
2000-2006 Mentor teacher at the Teacher Training College (Vienna)
1995-2003 Lecturer for Teacher Training (Education for children with limited motor skills)
1991-1994 Teacher for inclusion of children which limited motor skills (Vienna)
1990-1991 Language assistant (London)
1988-1990 Teacher of Conductive Education (Vienna)
Research projects
2020-2022 „Innovative teaching with eye-tracking-videos in teacher training“ (lead: Corinne Wyss, FHNW)
2019-2021 "Resarching professional vision in teaching with eye tracking" (lead together with C. Wyss/PH Zürich)
2018-2019 "Eye tracking in the research of teacher education" (lead together with C. Wyss/PH Zürich)
2016-2018 "Flexible school furniture for differentiated teaching and learning"
2015-2017 "Fostering personal abilities as a matter of children rights in the context of diversity"
2016-2017 "Explorative study about the conveying of interreligious competencies at Austrian univ. colleges of teacher education"
2014-2016 „Writing - Talking - Playing. Different modes of reflection practice experience in initial teacher training"
2012-2015 „Using new classroom furniture as an important element for future-orientated teaching"
2012-2014 „Written practice reflections in teacher training”
2009-2012 „Developing competencies through teacher training”
2011-2012 „Competence-orientated und research based evaluation of teaching events”
2007-2007 „Who decides to study for becoming a mathematics teacher?”
2005-2007 „Effects of internal and external differentiation on secondary schools lower level”
2004-2004 „Special Education Centre (speech & communication): job satisfaction and school image”
2002-2004 „’Child tailoredness’ – a study of a normative concept”
Published books
"Unterrichten: Handeln in kontingenten Situationen" (Teaching: Acting in contingent situations), Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, 2018 (monograph)
"Mündliche, schriftliche und theatrale Wege der Praxisreflexion. Beiträge zur Professionalisierung pädagogischen Handelns" (Oral, written and theatral ways of practice reflection. Contributions for the professionalisation of edcuational acting) (with Eveline Christof/Julia Köhler/Corinne Wyss), Bern: hep, 2018 (in press) (monograph)
"Differenzfähigkeit bei Lehramtsstudierenden. Eine Vignettenstudie" (The ability to differentiate. A vignette study). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2013 (monograph)
„Kindgemäßheit im Kontext” (Child tailoredness in context). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005 (monograph)
„Sprache aufbauen – Grenzen abbauen” (Build up language – knock of limitations). Wien: Lernen mit Pfiff, 2011 (editor)
„Netzwerk Sprache. Kindersprache im Kontext” (Network language. Child language in context). Wien: Lernen mit Pfiff, 2009 (editor)
„Mit Sprache wachsen. Die Bedeutung der Sprache und ihrer Grundlagen für den Erwerb der Kulturtechniken” (Growing through language. The importance of language and its basics for acquiring cultural skills). Wien: Lernen mit Piff, 2007 (editor)
„Sprachheilpädagogik up to date” (Education for children with limited speech or communicative skills up to date). Wien: Lernen mit Pfiff, 2005 (editor)
Published articles
Please refer to the German website (-->)