Studies, education and biographical data German version | |
2015 | PhD, thesis: „Die Bibel ist das, was eint.“ Geschichte und Bibelrezeption „jüdisch-christlicher“ Basisinitiativen in Deutschland und Österreich nach 1945“ [“What unites us is the Bible“. History and Biblical Reception of “Jewish-Christian” Grassroots Initiatives in Germany and Austria after 1945] |
2010–2015 | Doctoral studies of Catholic Theology at the University of Graz (with interruptions) |
2010 | M.A.; thesis: „Die Bibel zu lesen ist ein reines Vergnügen“. Biblische Bezüge in der Lyrik der Exilsdichterin Stella Rotenberg [“Reading the Bible gives sheer pleasure”. Biblical References in the Lyrics of the Exile Writer Stella Rotenberg] |
2003–2010 | Studies of Catholic Theology at the University of Graz |
2002 | M.A.; thesis: Arbeit im Feindesland. Britische Kriegsgefangene in der Steiermark 1941–1945 [Work in Enemy Territory. British Prisoners of War in Styria 1941–1945] |
1997–2002 | Studies of History and the interdisciplinary program Stage, Film, and other Media at the University of Graz |
1997 | Highschool diploma (BG Oeverseegasse, Graz) |
1978 | Born in Graz, Austria |
Professional Career | |
Since 01/10/2015 | Lecturer (PH 2, 50%) at the Department of Religious Education in the area of biblical studies, KPH Wien/Krems; since 01/09/2016 cooperation with the Interreligious Studies special research program at KPH Wien/Krems |
2012–2015 | FWF project member at the Department for Old Testament Studies, University of Graz, project title: The Hebrew Bible in “Jewish-Christian” Dialogue in Austria and Germany after 1945 (P 24782) |
2011/2012 | Pastoral practicum at the parish church Graz-Hl. Schutzengel |
2009–2011 | Employee at the information and service point Kircheneck of the municipal church Graz |
2006–2010 | Student employee at the Department for Old Testament Studies, University of Graz |
2001–2008 | Project employee at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Research on Consequences of War in Graz |
Awards | |
2016 | Josef Krainer advancement award (awarded for the PhD thesis) |
2014 | Elisabeth Gössmann advancement award for excellent work in women and gender research (awarded for the theological master thesis) |
Memberships | |
Since 2014 | Board member of the Committee of Christian-Jewish Cooperation in Graz |
Since 2013 | Member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research (ESWTR) |
Since 2013 | Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) [Association of the Assistents at the Departments for Bible Studies in Austria] |
2007–2009 | Participation in the mentoring programme of Karl Franzens University Graz KlarA. Klar Anders! |
2005–2008 | Member of the interdisciplinary scholarship foundation Pro Scientia in Austria |