Studies, education and biographical data               German version
2015PhD, thesis: „Die Bibel ist das, was eint.“ Geschichte und Bibelrezeption „jüdisch-christlicher“ Basisinitiativen in Deutschland und Österreich nach 1945“ [“What unites us is the Bible“. History and Biblical
Reception of “Jewish-Christian” Grassroots Initiatives in Germany and
Austria after 1945]
2010–2015Doctoral studies of Catholic Theology at the University of Graz (with
2010M.A.; thesis: „Die Bibel zu lesen ist ein reines Vergnügen“. Biblische
Bezüge in der Lyrik der Exilsdichterin Stella Rotenberg [“Reading the
Bible gives sheer pleasure”. Biblical References in the Lyrics of the
Exile Writer Stella Rotenberg]
2003–2010Studies of Catholic Theology at the University of Graz
2002M.A.; thesis: Arbeit im Feindesland. Britische Kriegsgefangene in der
Steiermark 1941–1945 [Work in Enemy Territory. British Prisoners of
War in Styria 1941–1945]
1997–2002Studies of History and the interdisciplinary program Stage, Film, and
other Media at the University of Graz
1997Highschool diploma (BG Oeverseegasse, Graz)
1978Born in Graz, Austria
Professional Career
Since 01/10/2015Lecturer (PH 2, 50%) at the Department of Religious Education in the
area of biblical studies, KPH Wien/Krems; since 01/09/2016 cooperation with the Interreligious Studies special research program at KPH Wien/Krems
2012–2015FWF project member at the Department for Old Testament Studies,
University of Graz, project title: The Hebrew Bible in “Jewish-Christian” Dialogue in Austria and Germany after 1945 (P 24782)
2011/2012Pastoral practicum at the parish church Graz-Hl. Schutzengel
2009–2011Employee at the information and service point Kircheneck of the municipal church Graz
2006–2010Student employee at the Department for Old Testament Studies, University of Graz
2001–2008Project employee at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for the Research
on Consequences of War in Graz
2016Josef Krainer advancement award (awarded for the PhD thesis)
2014Elisabeth Gössmann advancement award for excellent work in
women and gender research (awarded for the theological master thesis)
Since 2014Board member of the Committee of Christian-Jewish Cooperation in
Since 2013Member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research
Since 2013Member of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Assistentinnen und Assistenten an bibelwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Österreich (ArgeAss) [Association of the Assistents at the Departments for Bible Studies in Austria]
2007–2009Participation in the mentoring programme of Karl Franzens University
Graz KlarA. Klar Anders!
2005–2008Member of the interdisciplinary scholarship foundation Pro Scientia in