Welcome to KPH Vienna/Lower Austria What we stand for: a Christian teacher education that makes interreligious, intercultural and interdenominational learning a unique experience in Europe. Study at one of our campuses KPH TOPICS ZU ALLEN NEWS Mardin Artuklu University visit at KPH On 26 and 27 June, a delegation from Artuklu University in Mardin, Turkey, visited KPH Vienna/Krems. Welcome to Vienna! Welcome to Vienna! Poster presentation at OeAD University Conference Poster presentation of the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) research "Seeing a better world" at the OEAD University Conference 2023 at the PH… Collaboration with Europa-Universität Flensburg Dr. Lea Schulz and Dr. Patric Schaubrenner will be guests at Campus Strebersdorf from 03.12. – 08.12.23 as part of a teaching mobility. There has… Staff visit from Glasgow U Staff visit from Glasgow University NETT Staff Week 2023 Krems The Net(t)work for Education and Teacher Training (NETT)´s staff week is taking place from 13 to 16 June in Krems. ZU ALLEN NEWS Lecture at open day At the open day of the school department of the Archdiocese of Vienna, HS-Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann gave a lecture on 'interreligious encounter… Workshop of KPH-Research Areas On 24 September 2024, the Research Area 'Ethische und religiöse Bildung' as well as the Research Area 'MEHR:SPRACHIGKEIT' undertake - together with… Preliminary meeting of Research Lab 2024/25 This term, the preliminary meeting of the Research Lab will be held at 4:00 p.m. on September, 5th 2024. International Workshop: Religious Plurality On the one hand, Austria is characterised by a high degree of religious diversity. On the other hand, the tragic events in the wake of 7 October 2023… Research result are accessible 'open access' Two articles from the research project 'Interreligiöses Begegnungslernen an Schulen / Interreligious Encounter Learning at Schools' are now freely… Workshop 'Religionskunde im Ethikunterricht' On March 15th 2024, the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Religionswissenschaft / Austrian Association for the Academic Study of Religion organizes a… Interview for "Im Dialog" is online In January 2024, Prof. Dr. Karsten took part in an interview on the role of religion(s) within the context of present-day societies. Research Lab during the Summer Term We have just specified the dates for this summer term's Research Lab.