Nowadays, research results should be accessible for all. Two articles from a SIR-project on interreligious encounter learning are now online.
Interreligious encounter learning is a model of religious education that is used in schools and universities. As part of a SIR-project in Vienna, a model of interreligious encounter learning was installed at two secondary schools, which is based on a concept by Katja Boehme (PH Heidelberg). The research project explored the following questions:
- What does ‘encounter’ consist of in the interreligious encounter learning programme?
- What understanding of religion is expressed?
- To what extent can ‘authentic’ interactions be observed?
- How do the participants themselves interpret this?
The project has been a co-operation between four institutes of the KPH Vienna/Krems. Two articles from the project have recently been made accessible for open access:
- Alfred Garcia Sobreira-Majer / Karsten Lehmann: Potenziale und Grenzen des interreligiösen Begegnungslernens im Kontext von Schule, Pädagogische Reflexionen am Beispiel eines interreligiösen Begegnungstages (IRBT) an einem Wiener Gymnasium, in: Theo-Web - Zeitschrift für Religionspädagogik 23 (2024), pp. 273-291 Link Download.
- Karsten Lehmann, Ethics Education in the Context of an Interreligious Encounter Day (IED): Empirical Research Results from Austria, in: Religions 15 (2024), pp. 389-404 Link Download.
An additional article can be found here: Alfred Garcia Sobreira-Majer / Karsten Lehmann / Dilek Bozkaya / Irina Dura-Nitu / Karin Ertl, Interreligiöses Begegnungslernen an Schulen, Empirisches Forschungsprojekt zum Interreligiösen Begegnungstag an einem Wiener Gymnasium, in: Krobath, Thomas / Taschl-Erber, Andrea (Hg.), Konfessionell – kooperativ – interreligiös, Liegt die Zukunft des Religionsunterrichts im Miteinander?, Wien / Münster 2023, pp. 329-358.