History of 'Ethics-Courses' at Austrian Schools

Prof. Dr. Karsten Lehmann has just published an article in a handbook on 'Learning about Religion in Germany / Religionskunde in Deutschland'.

[Translate to English:] Titelbild des Sammelbandes

© DeGruyter - open access

The handbook has been published by Prof. Dr. Wanda Alberts (Hannover), Prof. Dr. Horst Junginger (Leipzig), Dr. Katharina Neef (Leipzig) and Dr. Christina Wöstemeyer (Hannover). It provides a comprehensive historic and present-day survey on 'Religionskunde' in the german-language region. Karsten Lehmann's contribution offers a first look at the history of ethics courses at Austrian schools.

The integral volume is available open access on the website of DeGruyter-publishers.

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